Friday, May 15, 2009


So it's our last farewell/Mayfest assembly and I am in class. Who care's if it's our last. Last welcome back, last prom, last mayfest, last blah blah blah! I can't wait to graduate!

Don't get me wrong, I cherish my high school past. Last night I hung with Ron, Craig, Neil and Junior. We talked about the past; past memories, past relationships. All the good memories and the bad memories made me think: What did I regret doing or not doing in my high school life?

Sitting in class on my LAST mayfest made me realize that I regret joining clubs. Took up too much time, you know? Even all those times studying for honors and AP classes. I should have taken the easy way out with regular classes. Yeah okay, it made me a better person on terms with responsibility and stuff, but I could have gained all of that in the future. My whole high school past was on school. (Lol duh mailyn.)

I also regret forming friendships with the wrong friends. Most of my freshmen to junior year I hung with people older than me. Before that I had my friends now-- Dus10girls & KAC. I regret not spending my high school life with the ones that I would be graduating with. I regret meeting the office boys cause my life took a big U-turn from then on. I was under the influence, close enough to feel hell. I love those guys, I just hated who I was with them.

I kinda regret being in food service. While all my other friends were in saber media, I was in the kitchen. That's kinda the reason why I drifted from the real friends. I took a different path from them. I always seem to separate myself from them. (Like right now, they're probably taking pictures and having fun at mayfest while I blog) I'm happy that I took newswriting and got the chance to regain our friendship, but it's senior year. I was late by three years. -_____-

Yeah, because all these things didn't/did happen, I am who I am today. & that's one thing that I do not regret. Yet, was all the things I missed out or didn't miss out worth it?

Final Thought: Yeah It was.

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