Monday, May 11, 2009

"stuck on my elavator"

This past weekend was prom. Prom is seriously such a hassle. For just a few hours of hanging with friends, I spent money as if it was air. Lol. I did my nails and man, you dont even know how hard it is for me to type this blog entry! O_O but the stay at waikiki was awesome. Hung with my boyfriend most of the time. Danced as if the night was never going to end. Sadly it ended. We didn't even take any group pictures though. Shitty deals. After prom, watched a movie and cuddled with my boyfriend in our hotel. Awesome night. The most interesting thing about this past weekend was the elevator rides.

Yeah, you read correctly. Elevator rides. If your planning to stay at waikiki, be prepared for the millions of elevators that you'll be getting on. Either that, or long walks you'll be taking just to find a decent food place to eat at 12 in the morning. Waikiki is filled with buildings, cars, tourist, hobos, and even more buildings. So it's a guarantee that you'll be getting on an elevator.

So my boyfriend and I spent most of our night on saturday in our prom attire. We definately caught many people's attention, especially me >;D Leaving our hotel room, we shared an elevator with a haole family. "oh well don't ya'll look gorgeous!" says one of the ladies. Thank you, we reply. "It this a prom?" Yeah, we reply. "Aw, well hope ya'll have a good time." We will, thank you. Lol, okay maybe not exact wording, but actually most of our elevator conversations were about prom. One family, as we were going up the elevator to get our car at the banyan, asked if we were getting married. Haha, very silly.

When prom was over, we rode down the elevator with a couple of seniors whom we barely talk to, barely even know. Different cliques I guess you can say. The nerds in one corner, the girl who should have been voted class clown in the other corner, the punk rocks in a corner, and Junior and I in the middle O_O Anyways, Our dumb elevator was acting up. Instead of going down, it went up. Not only that, it stopped at some weird levels where there wasn't even anyone there waiting! The long wait to finally get down to the first floor, however, gave us the opportunity to conversate about one thing: the damn elevator. A lot of swearing words coming from the punk corner, a lot of smart dictionary terms from the nerd corner and just a whole bunch of laughs thanks to the clown girl in the other corner. It felt weird, I could honestly say, knowing that we're probably not going to even make eye contact once those elevator door open to the first floor.

Although our hotel was walking distance from where prom was held, Jr and I drove. I was pretty exhausted and told him to drop me off in front of the hotel before he heads to find parking. I thought I could rest a while before going to my friend's hotel room, but sadly Jr was frustrated cause there was absolutely no parking and he wanted to go to the other hotel already. So I got dressed and headed down to meet up with him. The elevator doors opened and there were a whole bunch of Asians standing inside. Drunk, young Asians, probably early 20's laughing and making so much noise that I could hear them before the elevator even opened. I was just going to pass and let them move on to whatever level they were heading to, but one guy told him friends to make room and invited me in. They started talking to me, as if I was one of them. (Yeah okay we had the same kinda eyes but I didn't know shit about these people) One of the girls told her friends, "Ask her that question! The one we were talking about!" "Yeah ask her," her friends beckoned. The same guy that invited me turned to me and said, "would you dance with me?!" WTH? "I don't even know you!" were my exact words. They started laughing and were telling me that they wanted to cruise and stuff. haha, whatever. The elevator doors opened and I made a run for it (not literally of course, but I brisked) Crazy Asians. -_____- They were korean.

On Sunday as Jr and I were heading to the front desk to check out, I was checking out someone one else. >;D As we were heading down, there was this super cute local guy in our elevator. His shirt was off, he had nipple rings, and abs and a tattoo on his leg. I couldn't stop starring at his nipple rings. Lol. "Oh you guys had prom? Awesome! What school?" Campbell. "Awesome, senior prom?" Yeah. "Awesome, where at? Which hotel?" Pacific Beach. "Oh the one down the that side right?" Yes. "Awesome!" Yes. You. Are! lol. I didn't say that last part. Haha, & yeah I remembered that conversation very well. Haha.

Prom was fun. I wish that it didn't have to end so soon. Cause that means graduation is coming up. The real world is coming. And oh man, I am so not ready! I feel like my life is an elevator and I don't know what level to chose. Which way to go. Which is the right choice. So practically I'm stuck on my elevator. Just gonna sit here and wait til someone can fix my elevator. It seems like God is the elevator cameras, watching my every move yet there's nothing more He can do. No communication, what so ever. Ugh, forget this contemplating! I'm gonna enjoy what's left of my high school life.

Final thought: What's one thing people always ask when you walk into an elevator with other people? "What floor are you heading to?"

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