Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Let the past pass

It's kinda irritating how the past carrys so much power. You can never erase it, replace it, or change it at all. It holds memories that you wish you could just forget. It holds mistakes that you wish you could redo. I get so irritated thinking of what i could have done, should have done and wish i haven't done. There are too much "what if's" in my past that my future just doesn't feel right anymore.

But like that saying goes "the past is history, the future's a mystery, and right now is a gift that's why we call it the present." I can't stand the fact that I haven't applied to any of the colleges that I wanted to go to, that I didn't meet Junior before meeting all those other mistakes, that I have done things that I wish i could take back, but I gotta face the fact that the past is too powerful. I cannot erase it, replace it or change it. But I can be stronger and not let it get the best of me. I may not be super satisfied with where I am at in my life, but I still have time to change my future. Yeah so what if I am going to LCC! I can transfer in my second year. Or maybe the plans of a culinary degree could happen. & what if Junior met all those other girls before me, or vice versa. He's with me now (something my best friend keeps reminding me but I am too hard headed to listen) and we are sooooo happy together.

Let's not let life pass you by. Before you know it, you'll be graduating and life won't be as easy as it use to be.

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